Dyslexia Tools & Assessments
Your role in the reading journey roadmap
When a team of general and special educators, reading specialists, educational diagnosticians, speech-language pathologists, and school psychologists work together using an interdisciplinary approach, the students’ academic success greatly improves. When all of these individuals — working together — have the right tools in hand, the possibilities are endless.

aimsweb®Plus - includes the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen™ , the Dyslexia Probability Calculator , and RAN measures
Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen Grades K-3
Dyslexia Probability Calculator
Wide Range Achievement Test (5th ed.; WRAT 5™)
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (3rd ed.; KTEA-3) Brief Form
Dyslexia index scores for the KTEA-3 and WIAT-4 Candian (coming soon!)
Intervention Guide for LD (Learning Disability) Subtypes
Process Assessment of the Learner (PAL) intervention products
KTEA-3 teaching objectives and intervention statements & WIAT-4 CDN intervention goal statements
SPELL-Links to Reading & Writing and SPELL-Links Class Links for Classrooms
Spelling Performance Evaluation for Language & Literacy | Third Edition (SPELL-3)
The right tools for the journey ahead
Pearson has created a toolkit for the numerous professionals who serve students at risk for reading struggles or dyslexia — tools that help screen, deeply assess symptoms and underlying skills toward confirming a diagnosis, intervene effectively, and monitor performance at regular intervals. These tools are designed to be used as part of an overall process to identify and plan intervention.
What is your role?
General Educators focus on the performance of the student in the classroom academically and behaviourally. They complete classroom-focused measures for assessment and need to implement the most efficient and efficacious instruction in the context of the curriculum. For assessment, an integrated set of measures with the ability to measure progress saves time. For dyslexia, one place to begin evaluating performance is at the spelling curriculum.
Screen: aimswebPlus; Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen; Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN)
Assess: DRA3
Intervene: Spell-Links
Monitor: aimswebPlus